2019 Website Updates

31-12-2019Updated lay-out of the menu in the MSX section.
30-12-2019Opened an issue for WebMSX at github.com.
24-12-2019Added Yazzie to the MSX section.
23-12-2019Blocked the idiots of ganharfacil.com.br and blocked them as a referrer at server level.
They were stealing our bandwidth and offering our games for money!
22-12-2019Added 13 years of BITS Magazine to download.file-hunter.com.
22-12-2019Updated Stray Cat from MSXdev'09 to the MSX2+ version.
18-12-2019Supported Comfort from Suhum, Ghana on Kiva.
16-12-2019Supported Cerapio from Lima, Peru on Kiva.
16-12-2019Supported Abdul-Rahman from Jerusalem, Palestine on Kiva.
12-12-2019Updated Snatcher | スナッチャー English to a HDD Version.
10-12-2019Supported Miriam from Nyeri, Kenya on Kiva.
08-12-2019Added Brick Breaker Santa Demo to the MSX section.
04-12-2019Supported Fanny María from Rivas, Nicaragua on Kiva.
19-11-2019Updated MSX Tosec to v2012-04-15.
18-11-2019Supported Mary from Nyeri, Kenya on Kiva.
15-11-2019Updated SHMUP Mini Games to v151119.
14-11-2019Updated Micro Music to v3.2.
07-11-2019Added Project Melancholia Translation of SD Snatcher | SDスナッチャー to the MSX section.
01-11-2019Added Sakhr Files | ملفات صخر to the Arabic MSX section.
31-10-2019Supported Loy from Rubaga, Uganda on Kiva.
31-10-2019Added SHMUP Mini Games to the MSX section.
26-10-2019Added Information Race | تنافس المعلومات to the Arabic MSX section.
21-10-2019Supported Lisseth Nohemi from Managua, Nicaragua on Kiva.
17-10-2019Supported Patricia Fenosoa from Antananarivo, Madagascar on Kiva.
16-10-2019Moved various archives to download.file-hunter.com.
16-10-2019Made a Torrent for the complete archive of download.file-hunter.com.
15-10-2019Added Raid On Bungeling Bay | バンゲリングベイ to the MSX section.
14-10-2019Added a IP ban-filter to download.file-hunter.com in case of hammering.
08-10-2019Added various sections to download.file-hunter.com.
04-10-2019Soft-Launch of download.file-hunter.com, the MSX Download Library.
02-10-2019Supported Ana Laura from San Pedro,Cajón,Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica on Kiva.
29-09-2019Minor cosmetic changes on file-hunter.com.
25-09-2019Minor updates to the Arabic MSX section.
20-09-2019Updated the English version of Red Lights of Amsterdam with a slideshow & full pictureset.
17-09-2019Supported Silvia Virginia from Manta, Ecuador on Kiva.
13-09-2019www.file-hunter.com/MSX received a record of over 3000 visitors in the last 2 days!
11-09-2019Supported Erika Karina from El Transito, El Salvador on Kiva.
08-09-2019Added a bunch of requested games to the MSX section.
07-09-2019Minor lay-out update for file-hunter.com.
05-09-2019Updated the Scripted Amiga Emulator to the most recent version.
04-09-2019Added Slam Tilt to the AMIGA section.
02-09-2019Lady DarkBite has released a new video on Youtube about her MSX Adventures!
01-09-2019Added Fiendish Freddy Big Top O'Fun to the AMIGA section.
29-08-2019Added Goody to the MSX section.
27-08-2019Updated Fony WorldWide.
26-08-2019Added the MSX2+ Beppin Disk to the MSX section.
26-08-2019File-Hunter.com turned 20 today. Join the festivities HERE.
24-08-2019Fixed viewport problems on Tosec MSX Archive & the MCM/MCCM (MSX Computer Magazine & MSX Computer Club Magazine) Archive.
23-08-2019Added Los Amores de Brunilda by Retroworks to the MSX section.
19-08-2019Changed some games from PAL (50Hz) to NTSC (60Hz).
18-08-2019Supported Nellis from Soledad-Atlantico, Colombia on Kiva.
17-08-2019Supported Sarah from Bwera, Uganda on Kiva.
17-08-2019Added a countdown to our Facebook Page for 26-08-2019.
16-08-2019Removed a test-script which I accidentally left in the menu of the Arabic MSX section.
12-08-2019Added Rune Master | ルーンマスター I, II & III to the MSX section.
11-08-2019Moved File-Hunter.com & ArnauddeKlerk.com to a faster server with more space.
10-08-2019Added headers & footers for the Tosec MSX Archive & MCM/MCCM (MSX Computer Magazine & MSX Computer Club Magazine) Archive.
07-08-2019Cropped the remaining pictures in the MSXdev Section.
03-08-2019Updated Space Manbow with the GDX TurboFix.
31-07-2019Added Manic Miner & Jet Set Willy 2 to the MSX section.
31-07-2019Added Lady Darkbite's programming adventure called Bloody Mary to the MSX section.
30-07-2019Follow 9 year old Lady Darkbite's first steps in MSX BASIC on her YouTube Channel!
30-07-2019Added Space Crusade & Hero Quest II to the AMIGA section.
24-07-2019Added Nohzdyve from Bandersnatch to the MSX section.
22-07-2019Supported Carene from Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti on Kiva.
17-07-2019Supported Marie Ketia from Leogane, Haiti on Kiva.
10-07-2019Added A-1 Spirit (A-1スピリット) to the MSX section.
10-07-2019Updated WebMSX to V5.4.0
09-07-2019Added some missing files to the Funet/MSXARCHIVE Mirror.
09-07-2019Restored the manuals in the Yamaha CX5M Archive Software Section.
08-07-2019Restored a lot of links in the Yamaha CX5M Archive.
08-07-2019File-Hunter.com is now hosting the MCM/MCCM (MSX Computer Magazine & MSX Computer Club Magazine) Archive
07-07-2019File-Hunter.com is now hosting an Yamaha CX5M Archive.
06-07-2019File-Hunter.com is now hosting an Tosec MSX Archive.
05-07-2019Removed the 2nd version of the MEP-Mirror from the Funet/MSXARCHIVE Mirror.
03-07-2019File-Hunter.com is now hosting an Funet/MSXARCHIVE Mirror.
26-06-2019Replaced Fony DemoDisk #1 (FDD1) in the FONY section, now with improved SCC detection.
18-06-2019Supported Edita from Uganda on Kiva.
17-06-2019Supported Mary from Togo & Edith from Zimbabwe on Kiva.
09-06-2019Created a new .png image for the File-Hunter.com State-File.
09-06-2019Created new custom State-File for WebMSX to boot with in the MSX section.
07-06-2019Updated WebMSX to V5.3.4
03-06-2019Fixed some broken links in the MSX & ARABIC MSX section.
02-06-2019Changed WMSX.AUTO_POWER_ON_DELAY to 0 to make WebMSX boot faster.
02-06-2019Set the Al Alamiah AX-370 as standard machine for the ARABIC MSX section.
02-06-2019Updated WebMSX to V5.3.3
01-06-2019Supported Noeli from Burkina Faso on Kiva,
01-06-2019Added Sex Bomb Bunny (DEMO) to the MSX section.
31-05-2019Updated WebMSX to V5.3.1
30-05-2019Corrected the link to Learn Sakhr Basic | تعلم بيسيك.
23-05-2019Updated Meta Tags for the ARABIC MSX section.
21-05-2019Updated TGame 4 (Tetris Clone) in the MSX section.
18-05-2019Supported Cinthia Paola from Rivas, Nicaragua on Kiva.
17-05-2019Updated Night Knight to V1.02 in the MSX section.
13-05-2019A new record: a 48,2kWh today from my Solar Panels.
12-05-2019Just renewed file-hunter.com & arnauddeklerk.com for another 10 years.
11-05-2019Added Rodman to the MSX section.
07-05-2019Added Champion Kendo (チャンピオン剣道) to the MSX section.
03-05-2019Restored the 2mb 4mb internal slot expander article for the Hans Otten MSX Archive.
02-05-2019Added sitemap.xml for https://hansotten.file-hunter.com.
01-05-2019Lay-out updates for https://hansotten.file-hunter.com.
30-04-2019Added Ashguine 1, 2 & 3 to the MSX section.
29-04-2019Added 180 Darts!, Decathlon (デカスロン) & Super Cooks (スーパーコックス) to the MSX section.
28-04-2019Added Empire City: 1931 (マグナム危機一髪 エンパイアシティー1931) to the MSX section.
27-04-2019Added Catboy (仔猫の大冒険), Leonidas (闇の竜王ハデスの紋章) & Stone Of Wisdom (賢者の石) to the MSX section.
25-04-2019Added Alpha Roid (アルファロイド) to the MSX section.
22-04-2019Added Solid Snake / Metal Gear 2 | ソリッドスネークメタルギア2 Wii Virtual Console Japan Version to the MSX section.
21-04-2019Added Solid Snake / Metal Gear 2 | ソリッドスネークメタルギア2 Wii Virtual Console English Version to the MSX section.
20-04-2019Added Laydock 2 - Last Attack | レイドック2 to the MSX section.
17-04-2019Supported Betty from El Salvador on Kiva.
17-04-2019Supported Elo isa De Las Mercedes from Ecuador on Kiva.
15-04-2019Fixed some broken links on hansotten.file-hunter.com & www.file-hunter.com.
14-04-2019Thanks to Hans Otten I have been able to add all his files to hansotten.file-hunter.com.
13-04-2019Added Rick Dangerous to the Amiga section.
12-04-2019Updated the Scripted Amiga Emulator to the most recent version.
11-04-2019Added hotlink protection to the sites. Removed wget & HTTrack blocks.
10-04-2019Added the Hans Otten MSX archive online at hansotten.file-hunter.com.
08-04-2019Updated XRacing to v1.05 in MSXdev.
06-04-2019www.arnauddeklerk.com & www.file-hunter.com are now on one server. CDN functionality removed due to instability.
04-04-2019Added Trailblazer to MSX.
03-04-2019A new record: a 6104W average for 5 mins today from my Solar Panels.
03-04-2019Updated Quartet to v1.2 in MSXdev.
03-04-2019Added Blow-Up to MSX.
31-03-2019Moved www.file-hunter.com to the same host/server as www.arnauddeklerk.com.
27-03-2019Splitted the archive into yearly sections and added a menu to the top-bar.
26-03-2019Supported Yeh Alpha from Sierra Leone on Kiva.
22-03-2019Supported Ej from Philippines on Kiva.
21-03-2019www.arnauddeklerk.com now fully W3C compliant.
20-03-2019Corrected some W3C errors on www.file-hunter.com.
19-03-2019Did some Self SEO for Arnaud de Klerk to show my wannabe namesake how it's actually done.
17-03-2019www.arnauddeklerk.com & www.file-hunter.com are now using a CDN to increase speed of the websites worldwide.
17-03-2019Added Xevious: Fardraut Saga (ゼビウスファードラウト伝説) to MSX.
16-03-2019Added Robocop 2 to AMIGA.
16-03-2019Updated Fony's Yellow Alert Demo to 50Hz in MSX.
13-03-2019www.arnauddeklerk.com moved to a new webserver.
10-03-2019Added Xyzolog (ザイゾログ), Chima Chima (妖怪探偵ちまちま) & PastFinder (パストファインダー) to MSX.
09-03-2019Added Fony Easter Egg Demo visible to the MSX section. Go find the other Easter Egg.
06-03-2019Added Micro Music v3.1 with all Micro Cabin BGM to MSX.
04-03-2019Added Tetrinet (Tetris clone) & Girl's Garden (ガールズガーデン) to MSX.
03-03-2019Added Bubble Rain (Bust-A-Move clone) & The Mon Mon Monster (悶々怪物) to MSX.
02-03-2019Added Fantasm Soldier Valis (夢幻戦士ヴァリス) 1 & 2 & Magical Kid Wiz (魔法使いウィズ) to MSX.
01-03-2019Updated B.C. II - Grog's Revenge (グロッグス・リベンジ) to a fixed version in MSX.
28-02-2019Added Psycho World (サイコワールド), Strategic Mars (マース) & Undeadline (アンデッドライン) to MSX.
27-02-2019Added Out Run ( アウトラン) & Nogalious to MSX.
26-02-2019Added Sorcery to MSX.
26-02-2019Updated Goal in MSXdev.
20-02-2019Added Castlevania | 悪魔城ドラキュラ to MSX.
19-02-2019Supported Mariana De Jesus from Ecuador on Kiva.
18-02-2019Supported Yaoska Donatila from Nicaragua on Kiva.
17-02-2019Added Goal to MSXdev.
14-02-2019Added a .PDF of MSX Info #2 1987 with the BASIC listing of Vallende Sterren | Shooting Stars.
14-02-2019Added Quartet to MSXdev.
12-02-2019Added PWND3 Full Metal Snake to MSXdev.
11-02-2019Added 3 disks with examples to Sakhr BASIC (صخر بيسيك).
10-02-2019Updated the links to WebMSX & MSXdev to SSL.
10-02-2019Added Jet Bomber, Bounder & Thing Bounces Back to MSX.
09-02-2019Updated WebMSX on File-Hunter.com to v5.2 with support for small savestates & audio improvements.
08-02-2019Added XRacing to MSXdev.
07-02-2019Added Hydefos | ハイディフォス English to MSX.
07-02-2019Added Barbarian The Duel to MSXdev.
06-02-2019Added Come On! Picot | カモン!ピコ to MSX.
03-02-2019Added English version of Vallende Sterren | Shooting Stars to MSX.
28-01-2019Supported Primrose from Zimbabwe on Kiva.
22-01-2019Updated various games to STEREO in MSX.
18-01-2019Created a Music Disk with all Konami SCC Cartridges (Except Solid Snake) to enjoy in STEREO.
17-01-2019Supported Lolita from Philippines on Kiva.
17-01-2019Added Sky Jaguar STEREO with Voice Set & Double PSG to MSX.
16-01-2019Updated WebMSX on File-Hunter.com to v5.1 with support for double PSG, Moonsound WAVE & Digital Joysticks.
15-01-2019Updated Zanac-Ex Enhanced to v1.03 in MSX.
13-01-2019Updated Virus LQP-79 in MSXdev to V1.1
13-01-2019Splitted Sakhr BASIC (صخر بيسيك) and the normal Arabic BASIC with thanks to Lars18th.
11-01-2019Updates keywords for File-Hunter.com & arnauddeklerk.com.
07-01-2019Updated Zanac-Ex Enhanced to v1.02 in MSX.
02-01-2019Updated TGame 4 (Tetris Clone) in MSX to the 2019 version.
01-01-2019Added Zanac-Ex Enhanced to MSX.