2021 Website Updates

30-12-2021Added Pleasure Hearts - English to the MSX Section
29-12-2021Added a 3rd EasterEgg & demo to file-hunter.com. Happy Hunting
28-12-2021Applied 2022 notices on the various website (configurations)
28-12-2021BIOS upgrade Server. Sorry for the downtime!
25-12-2021The ultimate X-mas present: Turrican MSX Port (W.I.P.) for you to play online!
24-12-2021Added a link to the MSX-Info Type-in Listing of my game Shooting Stars
23-12-2021Supported Gema Estefania from Ecuador on Kiva
20-12-2021Created a new torrent for download.file-hunter.com
20-12-2021Updated allfiles.txt for download.file-hunter.com
20-12-2021Updated SHA-1 checksum-file for download.file-hunter.com
17-12-2021Supported Teresa Katherine from Ecuador on Kiva
15-12-2021Updated SPF, DMARC & DKIM-Records for File-Hunter.com.
08-12-2021Updated the FlashJacks Collection
07-12-2021Optimized images by 8% for the homebrew.file-hunter.com section
06-12-2021Added a bunch of .DMK Files to the download section
05-12-2021Updated RealFun 3 to v0.77
04-12-2021Optimized images by 25% for the MSX Games File-Hunter.com app for Android
04-12-2021Again added a few M.I.A.'s to the MSX 2/DSK section
04-12-2021Updated the MSX System ROM's in the download section
03-12-2021Added a bunch of Music disks & demos to the download section
03-12-2021Allowed media-changes in the MSX Games File-Hunter.com app for Android
28-11-2021Added a few M.I.A.'s to the download section
27-11-2021Removed bandwidth limit for the server's upstream
26-11-2021Supported Mayra Julissa from Ecuador on Kiva
21-11-2021Supported Bethany from Colombia, USA on Kiva
18-11-2021Added a few Music Disks to the download section
18-11-2021Added some new Django Translations to the download section
14-11-2021Updated allfiles.txt for download.file-hunter.com
14-11-2021Updated SHA-1 checksum-file for download.file-hunter.com
08-11-2021Removed a bunch of validated disks from help.file-hunter.com
05-11-2021Supported Lemaris from Puerto Rico on Kiva
01-11-2021Supported María Auxiliadora from Ecuador on Kiva
30-10-2021Happy birthday Vampire Killer (SCC)!
28-10-2021Beta testing new Webserver software which re-enables HTTP/2
28-10-2021Happy birthday Penguin Adventure!
27-10-2021Added a lot of Level 9 Computing Adventures to the MSX1 CAS and DSK sections
23-10-2021Fixed some links in the MSX Repository!
22-10-2021Now hosting MSX Repository!
22-10-2021Added a bunch of DMK Files to the Download Section
22-10-2021Downgraded serversoftware. No more HTTP/2 for the moment. Sorry!
20-10-2021Updated SymbOS with Doom & Multimedia files
18-10-2021Updated Stevedore to the full version
18-10-2021Temporarily switched off http/2 support on all domains
17-10-2021Supported Maria Alexandra from Ecuador on Kiva
16-10-2021There are still some issues with the webserver software. Pease bear with us. If we're down, please retry at a later moment
15-10-2021Testing new Beta Server Software to see if we can get rid of some time-outs
14-10-2021Please also come visit the MSX Fair in Nijmegen this Saturday!
12-10-2021Added almost 800 .DSK images to help.file-hunter.com
07-10-2021updated https://www.arnauddeklerk.com/links/ with some more links
06-10-2021Set-up help.file-hunter.com as a community effort to sort out dumped disks
06-10-2021Upgraded webserver software. Fixed ACME bot error & some time-outs (Hopefully)
05-10-2021Updated the File-Hunter.com MSX Android App to allow media-changes
05-10-2021Forwarded www.mariekedeklerk.nl to her LinkedIn Profile
05-10-2021Added Bomberman 2 to the Homebrew Section
05-10-2021Added Alien 8 Remake to the Homebrew Section
03-10-2021Updated Real Fun 3 to v0.76
03-10-2021Added Cross Horde to the Homebrew Section
24-09-2021Added King's Valley to the Amiga Section
22-09-2021Added Westen House to the Homebrew Section
21-09-2021Squashed some 404's!
20-09-2021Added Playthroughs of Pink Sox & Peach up to MP83's site
20-09-2021Increased number of concurrent streams in HTTP/2 mode
19-09-2021Added The Fall of Prometheus to the Homebrew Section
19-09-2021Supported Kenia Marisol from Ecuador on Kiva
19-09-2021Supported Johana Belen from Ecuador on Kiva
19-09-2021Added a lot of Level 9 Computing Titles to the MSX1 .CAS Section
18-09-2021Fixed some obsolete references to the CDN
18-09-2021Minor updates to www.arnauddeklerk.com
17-09-2021Minor server upgrade & merged a few hosts
17-09-2021Supported Kukhanya Energy Services from South Africa on Kiva
17-09-2021Supported Jita Bangladesh on Kiva
14-09-2021Upgraded webserver software
13-09-2021Added AY-Tunes by Syndrome to the Homebrew Section
11-09-2021Lay-out change on the "Play MSX Games" pages on file-hunter.com
10-09-2021Doing some SEO for www.arnauddeklerk.com
09-09-2021Added Zorrico to the Homebrew Section
31-08-2021Added Arya to the MSXdev Section
31-08-2021Added Heart Stealer 2 to the MSXdev Section
31-08-2021Updated Alien Attack to v3.5
30-08-2021Added No Back Down to the MSXdev Section
30-08-2021Added Open Wide! to the MSXdev Section
29-08-2021Removed the CDN due to performance degradation
28-08-2021Added PAC-01 to the MSXdev Section
27-08-2021Webserver upgraded. Now supporting HTTP/2!
27-08-2021Updated the About Arnaud de Klerk Section
26-08-2021Added a bunch of NV Diskmagazines to the download section
25-08-2021Added Pippo La Scopa Ficcanaso to the MSXdev Section
23-08-2021Updated Real Fun 3 to v0.75
22-08-2021Added FlyGuy to the MSXdev Section
21-08-2021Added SD Sniper to the MSXdev Section
20-08-2021Supported Porvenir Group from Paraguay on Kiva
16-08-2021Added Alien Attack to the MSXdev Section
16-08-2021Added Fantastic Football to the MSXdev Section
14-08-2021Added XOR 2021 to the MSXdev Section
12-08-2021Performed another small round of image optimizations
12-08-2021Added Monster On The Run to the MSXdev Section
11-08-2021Added Do The Same to the MSXdev Section
02-08-2021Changed the lay-out of the main screen at www.arnauddeklerk.com
01-08-2021Updated some links in the Tags section
30-07-2021Added Step to the MSXdev Section
30-07-2021Moved Alien Attack to the MSXdev Section
29-07-2021Added Open Graph Meta Tags to the games-sections. Thanks to Fixato & Creepy for their help!
28-07-2021Added a bunch of MSX Mozaïk Magazines to the Download Section
25-07-2021Supported Rossy Mery from Jaramijo, Ecuador on Kiva
25-07-2021Supported Glenny Sebastiana from Manta, Ecuador on Kiva
23-07-20215 Year anniversary of file-hunter.com's return to the MSX Scene
18-07-2021Supported Maria Jaqueline from Jipijapa, Ecuador on Kiva
16-07-2021Added Logic Remastered to the MSXdev Section
16-07-2021Updated the Nogalious Demo version to the Full Version
15-07-2021Uplink upgraded to 1gbit/s
10-07-2021Added S.o.L.o. to the MSXdev Section
08-07-2021Added Ghost House | 妖怪屋敷 Graphic Patch to the MSX Section
07-07-2021Extension of our FONY worldwide section
06-07-2021Added Stop the NS to the MSX Section
06-07-2021Updated webserver software
05-07-2021download.file-hunter.com passed the 80GByte mark!
04-07-2021Added Raven to the MSXdev Section
03-07-2021Small lay-out update
01-07-2021Updated profile & added reviews at eet.nu
26-06-2021Added Iligks Episode One - Theseus | テセウス to the MSX Section
26-05-2021Added Mountain Soft Disk Magazines to the Download Section
25-06-2021Added Salamander Extra Weapons to the MSX Section
22-06-2021Dr.Wh0 has fixed various Disk Magazines & Games. These have been added to the Download Section
18-06-2021Added almost 800 Public Domain Disks by MCWF to the Download Section
17-06-2021Supported Jaqueline Beatriz from Montecristi, Ecuador on Kiva
16-06-2021Added a bunch of Darky Conversions from Konami to download.file-hunter.com
09-06-2021The Kid from Delta Soft created the File-Hunter Search Tool to search our download.file-hunter.com
08-06-2021Created a new torrent for download.file-hunter.com
06-06-2021Small Lay-out & Logo changes
04-06-2021Supported Andrea Gema from Portoviejo, Ecuador on Kiva
02-06-2021Adding new Diskmagazines. Please check your collection for missing issues!
31-05-2021Added Computer Mates' Word Processor to the Download Section
29-05-2021Updated RealFun 3 to v0.73
29-05-2021Updated TimeTrax to a fixed version
26-05-2021Added Pyramid Warp Enhanced+ to the MSX Section
25-05-2021Added Mahjong Solitaire to the MSXdev Section
24-05-2021Rescaled some images for better loading times
24-05-2021Updated the MSX System ROM's Section
24-05-2021Also added Hibernated 1 - This Place is Death (Directors Cut) to the AMIGA Section
24-05-2021Added Hibernated 1 - This Place is Death (Directors Cut) to the Homebrew & Download sections
22-05-2021Added Rana by Phaze101 to the AMIGA Section
21-05-2021Added Metal Gear Amiga Port to the AMIGA Section
20-05-2021Added Mystery City MSX2 to the Homebrew Section
18-05-2021Supported Tuzamurane Cb Group from Rwanda on Kiva
18-05-2021Added Square Ball to the MSXdev Section
16-05-2021Added PickinX & BlockBuster to the MSXdev Section
16-05-2021Added Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine to the Homebrew Section
13-05-2021Added Mutants From The Deep to the Homebrew Section
11-05-2021Added some new .DMK files to the DMK & Programs sections
11-05-2021Added Pit Man to the MSXdev Section
10-05-2021Added a lot of new files to the Programs Section
10-05-2021Added a lot of Translated games to the Download Section
10-05-2021Added Arm Wrestler to the MSXdev Section
09-05-2021Compressed the last set of images. Almost 20% of data saved on image-data
06-05-2021Sorry for the downtime. Upgraded PHP and some other stuff
04-05-2021Fiber upgraded to 1000MBit/s
04-05-2021Added Bad Apple MSX1 to the Homebrew Section
03-05-2021Added Make Them Jump & Make Them Fall to the MSXdev Section
02-05-2021Added a nice page to check the WebMSX specifications using Mega Report v1.3 2021u1
01-05-2021Optimized the last few images
01-05-2021Added Market Master to the MSXdev Section
29-04-2021Added Klondike Solitaire to the MSXdev Section
27-04-2021Optimized another batch of images to decrease bandwidth/data
26-04-2021Fixed the scroll-to-play in the menu of the MSXdev Section
26-04-2021Added Puzzy Box to the MSXdev Section
25-04-2021Added Break Bomb to the MSXdev Section
25-04-2021Added a hidden game in the Homebrew Section. SMW!!!
24-04-2021Added a Content-Security-Policy to most of the most important websites
24-04-2021Added a collection of Networkers Gift Disks to the MSX Diskmagazines section
23-04-2021Optimized various images on file-hunter.com to decrease bandwidth/data
22-04-2021Added a bunch of custom HTTP headers for added security against Cross Scripting.
Web Security Score for arnauddeklerk.com
21-04-2021Updated jsquery & bootstrap to solve some security issues
21-04-2021Supported Abisunganye Cb Sub Grp A Group from Rwanda on Kiva
21-04-2021Supported Maria Jaqueline from Portoviejo, Ecuador on Kiva
19-04-2021Added Soviet .CAS & .TSX files to the Download Section
17-04-2021It's the 1st birthday for my File-Hunter.com MSX Games app!!
08-04-2021Added Where Is It? The Quest For The 10th Island (W.I.P.) to the MSXdev Section
07-04-2021Added Tortilla Sunrise to the MSXdev Section
06-04-2021Lay-out changes implemented for www.arnauddeklerk.com
05-04-2021Added MGF Disk Magazines and Printed Magazines
05-04-2021Added some Pastel Hope Games to the Download Section
04-04-2021Added DIOS English to the MSX Section
02-04-2021Added a few GDX-fixed ROM's to the Download Section
30-03-2021Added Mars Lander to the Homebrew Section
28-03-2021Added .ROM and .CAS MSX1 games to the Download Section
27-03-2021Added a some Manuals to the Download Section
21-03-2021Added a bunch of TM/Zap games to the Download Section
21-03-2021Added NOQ Soft Disk Magazines the Disk Magazines Section
21-03-2021Added Dynamite Go! Go! Demo to the Homebrew Section
21-03-2021Added FKD-Fan Magazines the Spanish MSX Magazines Section
21-03-2021Added Street Fighter II to the Homebrew Section
19-03-2021Added another batch of Takeru games & Programs to the Download Section
18-03-2021Added XOR to the Homebrew Section
17-03-2021Supported Gloria Narcisa from Manta, Ecuador on Kiva
13-03-2021Added another batch of Takeru games & Programs to the Download Section
11-03-2021Added another batch of Takeru games to the Download Section
10-03-2021Added a ROM set of MSX 2 SMS Conversions Download Section
08-03-2021Added a bunch of NV Magazines to the Download Section
07-03-2021Now 436 Files in the TSX Section
07-03-2021Added a statement to the MSX Section about WebMSX
07-03-2021Added Nemesis 2|Gradius 2 Voiceset to the MSX Section
05-03-2021Now 413 Files in the TSX Section
04-03-2021Added another batch of Takeru games to the MSX2 Disk section of the download server
03-03-2021Added a bunch of SCC-Musixx tracks to the SCC-Musixx Download Section
02-03-2021Added Bookworm & Reflexion to the MSXdev Section
01-03-2021Added ARC by Parallax to the MSX Section
28-02-2021Added a lot of Books & Magazines to the Download Section
27-02-2021Added MSX Menu v1.68 for Beer IDE & WebMSX to the Download Section
26-02-2021Added Arno Dash to the Homebrew Section
25-02-2021Added more translations to the Download Section
24-02-2021Added a special section with English Translation to the Download Section
22-02-2021Fixed Sprites, Music & Texts in Randar II - The Revenge of Death English
21-02-2021Added a bunch of CAS & TSX File to the Download Section
21-02-2021Added a bunch of Manuals & Software covers to the Download Section
21-02-2021Updated Footer & Welcome text for the Download Section
21-02-2021Added a few hard-to-find titles to the Download Section
20-02-2021MILESTONE: 10.000 installs for the File-Hunter.com MSX Android App
19-02-2021Added Zombie Calavera Prologue to the Homebrew Section
19-02-2021Fixed Filename length issues on the MSX Gr8net Server
17-02-2021Supported Daly Selena from Jipijapa, Ecuador on Kiva
17-02-2021Added Andorogynous English to the MSX Section
15-02-2021Added a bunch of translated .ROM's by Django to the Download Section
15-02-2021Updated Alien Attack to v L1
14-02-2021Added Tataku Mania to the Homebrew Section
14-02-2021Added a lot of Takeru games to the MSX2 Disk section of the download server
14-02-2021Shortened the names of files on the MSX Gr8net Server
14-02-2021Added a bunch of roms to the MSX Gr8net Server
12-02-2021Added Vexed to the Homebrew Section
09-02-2021Blocked the MSX Gr8net Server for non MSX-clients
08-02-2021Added a lot of programs to the Programs Section
07-02-2021Moved Stats & Logs to SSD as well. Migration is now finalized
07-02-2021Updated The Menace of Triton to v1.2 in the MSXdev & Download Sections
06-02-2021You can find information about the MSX Gr8net Server on gr8net.file-hunter.com
06-02-2021Moved the MSX Gr8net Server to the new server
04-02-2021Supported Rehab from Port Vila, Vanuatu on Kiva
04-02-2021Added Invasion Of The Zombie Monsters to the Homebrew Section
03-02-2021Added Tool Blocks to the MSXdev Section
03-02-2021Added Pegged to the Homebrew Section
31-01-2021Added a Contact Arnaud and About Arnaud section
29-01-2021Added maps for Children of the Night
28-01-2021Added maps for Diana Cave Adventure & Suite Macabre
26-01-2021Updated Alien Attack to v1.06
25-01-2021Updated allfiles.txt for download.file-hunter.com
25-01-2021Updated SHA-1 checksum-file for download.file-hunter.com
21-01-2021Updated the Fony Section of download.file-hunter.com
20-01-2021Fixed some links in hansotten.file-hunter.com
20-01-2021Updated The Storekeeper in the Homebrew Section
19-01-2021Moved websites from HDD -> SSD
17-01-2021Added a new English Translation of Fantasm Soldier Valis II to the MSX & download section
17-01-2021Supported Gilda Xiomara from Montecristi, Ecuador on Kiva
17-01-2021Added Stevedore Demo Version to the Homebrew Section
16-01-2021Now also hosting phaze101.file-hunter.com
16-01-2021Added Puzzle Mania to the Homebrew Section
16-01-2021Added Double Dragon Zemina to the MSX Section
15-01-2021Added Double Dragon Plus to the MSX Section
13-01-2021Added Cross Bomber, Cross Chase, Cross Shoot & Cross Snake to the Homebrew Section
12-01-2021Upload speed increased to 700Mb/s
11-01-2021Added a small Tag Cloud to improve SEO
10-01-2021Merged BetterMSX with the normal Game ROMs on download.file-hunter.com
09-01-2021Added Earth Attack to the Homebrew Section
07-01-2021Changed http->https from a 302 (temporary) to a 302 (permanent) redirect on all (sub-)domains
03-01-2021Again blocked the Second Life Browser, because of deeplinking to my content
03-01-2021Small lay-out updates
01-01-2021Posted the Top Lists for 2020 on msx.org
01-01-2021The Best wishes for 2021!!